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Probate and Estate Administration

1% of the gross value of the estate for Inheritance Tax (minimum fee £1,000), plus legal fees for the papers to obtain the Grant usually £175 plus VAT, and payment of the Probate Registry fee currently £273.

Our Estate Administration fees are One per cent of the value of the estate, which is much less
expensive than most other firms providing similar services who usually charge 2 - 5% of the
value of the estate.


Single Will £150

Mirror Wills £250

Single Will with Property Trust £300

Mirror Wills with Property Trust £500


Mutual Severance of Joint Tenancy £100

Unilateral Severance of Joint Tenancy £150

Lasting Powers of Attorney

Lasting Power of Attorney (Property and Financial Affairs) £250

Lasting Power of Attorney (Health and Welfare) £250

Both Lasting Powers of Attorney £350

Mirror Lasting Powers of Attorney £450

The fee charged by the Office of the Public Guardian to register a Lasting Power of Attorney is £82. This fee may be reduced by 50% if your income is less than £12,000 and depending on your circumstances may not be payable at all.

Living Wills

Living Will (Advance Decision) £250


All prices are net of any VAT at the current rate and any disbursements.

Fees for amounts we pay to other persons or bodies on your case are required in advance.

Our fees for all Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney and Living Wills include taking instructions and after drafting the documents required obtaining the signatures necessary.

Accounts for cases are payable on preparation of documents except in Probate and Estate Administration matters where sufficient funds are held on behalf of the estate.

Home visits are generally available for an additional prior payment of £50 for each visit.

By instructing Probate Online Clients confirm that they have read and agree the Terms and Conditions which apply to all cases. Full details of the Terms and Conditions may be read here.



Our Fees

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DJC Wills and Probate
Correspondence address: 63 Yarmouth Road, North Walsham, Norwich, NR28 9AU



Professional Indemnity Insurance in force

© 2023 DJC Wills and Probate

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